
Final fantasy tactics war of the lions jobs
Final fantasy tactics war of the lions jobs

final fantasy tactics war of the lions jobs

It's not like Square Enix hasn't revisited Ivalice, the land where Tactics' story takes place. But outside of the PSP remake Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions, the Game Boy Advance spin-off Final Fantasy Tactics Advance and its Nintendo DS sequel, Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift, Final Fantasy Tactics has remained regretfully dormant. Considering there have been a whopping fifteen Final Fantasy main series games, the lack of Tactics games seems like a missed opportunity for Square Enix, a company well-known for capitalizing on popular franchises. The first Tactics game came out in 1997 on PlayStation 1 to rave reviews, eventually going from cult classic to fan favorite.

Final fantasy tactics war of the lions jobs